Sunday, January 27, 2008

Well, Hot Dog!

I'm back.

And better than ever.

Welcome to the new and improved home of the blog o' Rach.

So much to be caught up on... Where to start.

Jennifer Aniston. I saw her. No, that's a lie. I did not see her. But we were in the same room... Yup, true story. And when I say room, I mean hotel. And actually, no, she was in the makeup trailer right outside the hotel and I was in the hotel, but I walked by her trailer. I think it was hers. Yeah... nevermind.

Other than that... Life is great. I know you've missed me.

More to follow, stay tuned people.

Oh, for the newbies, if you need to catch up on the distant past, go to

Ignore the one emo rant. That happens very rarely.

This is Rach, over and out.