Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I prefer the happy...

So yeah, we have ANOTHER dog. Yes, another. His name is Bo but we call him Chance all the time on accident, because he looks like Chance from Homeward Bound. We took him from our friends because they wanted a new home for him. So, since we've been together we have accumulated a Lily, a Zeus, a Goat and a Bo. Jeez, we're turning into a regular animal shelter here. I think I'm rebelling against all the years I wanted a dog and was never "allowed" to have one. Kelly just indulges all my dog-wanting requests. Even though he generally ends up doing all the work afterward. =) He's a doll, what can I say? And Bo is good enough, as far as dogs go. He's pretty thin though, and goes nuts when he sees food. Like, "maul-you-to-get-to-said-food" nuts. And his toenails are long. I have gash-like cuts on my arms and legs. I have therefore, and subsequently, been "mauled" and love him a little less. Dumb dogs. Why couldn't we have guinea pigs?

Oh, right... because they're gross.

So, I'll admit I am a little worried about the prospect of having to move here soon. I know it's retarded, because most likely we'll have until March, and EVERYTHING always works out, but still... With three dogs and a goat finding a new place is NOT going to be easy. Maybe I could convince Delilah to take the goat... she already has one. And ours is no trouble... Of course, who even knows where we'll be then. I mean, I'm not going to say much about it right now, but it looks like we could be moving out of the area anytime within the next 2 years, maybe really soon, maybe not for a long while. Don't know when, but it would be nice if it coincided with the time we need to leave. Especially if we came down here... Not that I miss PO much, seeing as I'm still here once a week... And I love the Island, I love our house, I love our life there and our friends, but coming back would definitely mean a huge boost in my income, as I would be available here to work every day. Kelly has expressed interest, more than once, of wanting to be part of the construction industry... I've pointed out that this is somewhat lucky for him, as I happen to be the first, and only, in line to be sole proprietor here within a few years... How much fun would it be to own a construction company together? So, maybe that is our long-term plan. Who knows though... there are so many factors. So many other things that "could happen". But he has been talking about it more and more lately. Sadly, his foot injury is keeping him from doing a lot of what he wanted to do in the Navy. I think he's warming up to all this as a good alternative. =)

And also, speaking of Delilah, I need costume ideas. Her Halloween party this year is themed "Heroes and Villians". I guess it's going to be a bigger shindig than last year. Maybe this year she'll have a real band, like the Jonas Brothers (not that I'd know a Jonas Brother from a hole in the wall, but whatever), or maybe Ludo... that would be cool. She's mostly famous, she can have whoever she wants. Or so you'd think... Last year my friends and I went as "Washington State Ferries", WSU sweatshirts and wings. Yeah, we weren't trying too hard. Anyway, any input is appreciated. For your donation of ideas you shall receive an autographed poster of her, and perhaps a personal dedication on the radio. Or maybe nothing. I haven't decided yet.

So, in other news, our office is located here in dad's condo. We decided to rid ourselves of the overhead of the outside office unit and just do everything here. Which is awesome, because now when I come down I can work in sweats and just stay here, instead of crashing at Gwen's each week. Not that I don't love Gwen, but it's good to have a permanent place, even if it's only 2 days a week. And since he's never here, he pretty much lives at D's, it means I get the place all to my little self. However... all that to say... we are currently engaged in a silent, yet epic battle over the toilet paper. There is no tp holder on the wall, so he puts in on the back of the toilet, and I move it back to the counter. Back and forth it goes. But seriously, my way makes so much more sense! Who wants to reach behind them for tp? I prefer to have it easily accessible. I thought you'd like to know this.

And I am sick of this weather. It's AUGUST! It's cold, and rainy, and dark. I am wearing sweats and have a space heater going. Whatever. Complaining's not going to help. And Kelly is unwilling to relocate to Hawaii, or Fiji, or Barbados. It's whatever.

Well, the trailblazer is officially going away here within a week. We've been working on getting the Pontiac back up to speed. We got the transmission problem figured out, as it was nothing but a flush that wasn't done 4,000 miles ago, though paid for. Now there seems to be a problem with the engine. Byran and Kels seem to think it's the catalytic converter... not sure how expensive this will be. They said their first plan of action was to get a stick-like apparatus and "bang the shit out of the inside of it and see if it clears". Sounds like a plan. This is very technical mechanic speak, by the way. After that, just needs new carpet on the passenger side (bottle of bleach in a closed up car in the hot sun = not a good combo and a torn up passenger side carpet) and we're good to go. After a thorough detailing. And he says MY car is bad. Well... it is bad. But his was bad too. How can I be so OCD about a clean kitchen and wreck up the inside of a car within a few hours?

It's a christmas miracle.

Psycho-Betty and Decrepit-Red-Baron-Man have been no where to be seen as of late. Thought you should know. Neither has their stupid-looking dog, known as "Josephine Poodle". Who the hell names a dog Josephine Poodle. And for that matter, who buys huge-ass poodles? Never mind...

Argh, my phone just rang and I'm pretty sure it was someone important and it took me so long to locate my phone under all my piles of paperwork. *checks voicemail* And yes, it was important. It was the cops. We're tight like that... sometimes they just call to say hey... And to let me know the status of a case we're working on... but the first thing sounded cooler.

I realize that my last few blogs have been terribly boring, but really, there's nothing to update that's too fascinating. Things are awesome, and without the day-to-day drama of my old life there's just not as much to report on. I guess when I'm happy my literary skills go to crap. It's whatever. I prefer the happy.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I have realized where Ava got the word shut up. It WAS Kelly. I never noticed, but he does say it all the time. He needs his mouth washed out with soap.

I also have decided NOT to sell my piano. After much wrestling with the decision, I realized that I do not want to go 20 years without having one... so there ya go. That thing will have more miles on it than Kelly's pick-up by the time I'm done hauling it around.

We went to Kelly's apt yesterday for his foot issues... It's not looking good. There's actually a medical name for the type of break he has. I don't remember what it is, but it's pretty much not good when they name it. It seems the final prognosis is that he will forever be in pain and never run again. Even walking will be painful. It's got to be a hard prognosis to take after being so active your whole life... of course, he can still play basketball with the best of them. So, I guess just stay tuned for what this means in the long-run. I do feel bad for him. I know he thinks I'm happy because it means he can't deploy... and I admit I am happy that he can't deploy because I would miss him so much. But the flip side is now he can't do something that he wants to do. It sucks, because what makes me happy makes him unhappy, and vice versa. But I would never wish him hurt like this just to stay home. I think he knows that...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Musings and General Wonderments...

There's not much to say, really, so I'm just going to ramble...

I just found out, through our only cool neighbors, who are moving *sad*, that the owners of this place are getting a divorce and she wants this house back. Which means, best case scenario, we have to move at the end of the lease term.


So tired that I actually put my grand piano on Craigslist. Because it's been moved 4 times in a little over a year, and you know what? I'm not doing it again. I refuse. I've paid hundreds, scratch that, thousands in moving expenses. I am not doing it again. I might just sell all my furniture too... ha, just kidding. I love my gorgeous, way overpriced furniture. I miss the lucrative income that was once associated with the construction biz, and I'm not parting with my remnants of times gone by. Save the piano. Take the damn thing. When we retire and we're not moving every ten minutes, or at least 4-5 months, I shall buy another one. Besides, construction is looking up, and we're officially building again. God, I've missed it.

Tomorrow is Kelly's second appointment at the big Army hospital about his foot. Seems they want to fuse every bone in his left foot together and lay him up for 6 months. Sounds like fun. He is going to be one cranky boy after about 2 weeks. Can't say I blame him...

Ava's speech is coming along swimmingly. I am proud to say that we can now add the word "crap" and "shut up" to her repertoire. I don't even KNOW where she heard the word shut up. Kelly and I never say stuff like that. On the flip side, she's an excellent tooth brusher and is also fond of flossing. You can't win them all, I'll take what I can get. At least she's sweet, and cute and usually polite. It covers a multitude of sins.

We learned last night, through dinner with said awesome, yet moving, neighbors, that Psycho-Betty has managed to alienate everyone in the neighborhood. That makes me feel better. It's nice to know there's a comaraderie among the Psycho-Betty haters. It's like being part in a secret club, or a gang of do-gooders, like Robin Hood and his Merry Men, defending the world against the wiles of Psycho-Betty and her husband, Decrepit-Red-Baron-Man. He is 30 years older than her. The going theory is that she married him expecting him to die. And he just won't. Good job, Decrepit-Red-Baron-Man. Good job. Make her miserable. Live to be 117.

Other than that, life is awesome. I couldn't ask for better. I love my little family so much. I'm so in love with the both of them... and the animals. Yes, even Lily. I am so enamored with my guy that my heart can't hold it all. I wish I could tell you all the ways, but that is saved for my other, private, blog. The one which only three get to read. But I can tell you that I have never met a more fiercely loyal man who tries harder to make his family happy and feel loved and safe and secure. The details of that... well, you three know.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Just for the record... the best way to make yourself sick is to break weeks worth of eating whole, natural foods with chili cheese fritos and a zebra cake. I hadn't had one since I was a kid though... and it looked so good. I think I need to go bulemic here for a moment...

Anyhow, in other news... Actually, there is no news. No goat/dog duo's running amok, no new cheaters to crucify, nothing really. Just regular, old happy life. We did get a pool table, that was super cool. I mean, it's a really nice table, Kelly's a happy boy. His "Man-Room" is nearly complete. He says girls aren't allowed but gets sad when I won't hang out in there with him because I'm doing dishes or some other such chore, and can be frequently be found in there with Ava on his lap watching tv... He's all talk.

Ava has learned to remove her clothing, to include diapers, during the middle of the night. This has proved awesome. No, wait... that was something else. This really sucks. Good things she's cute and sweet and adorable...