Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Your Lover Will Never Wish to Leave You...

So says Kelly's fortune cookie after lunch yesterday. It's true... I love him so much. After he leaves he sends me a text saying how much he loves his little family. How did I get so lucky?

It's been quite the while since I've written... As I'm reminded frequently by Vanessa... Soooo much has happened, good, bad, happy, sad...

My mom is moving to North Carolina. We found out like a week ago, and she leaves in a week. I just try to not think about it. I'm almost 30, I should be able to do just fine on my own, but it's still so sad, especially for little Ava. Mom is the one person she's always genuinely excited to see and stay with, it's going to be very sad to grow up without seeing her on a regular basis. But, what do you do? Nothing you can. Sucky.

Lucky for me, it's almost Christmas time, which means a happy distraction... Our family is a bit notorious in our crazy love for all things Christmas. I decorate the day after Halloween. :D Kelly is not necessarily thrilled about this... but I think it's because he's never been introduced to (perhaps subjected to?) a Warner Christmas. He huffily stated that I only get 10 hours of decorating help out him... Wow, that's like 5 times more than I've ever asked anyone for! Sweet! He backpedalled heavily upon finding this out...

We took Ava on her first hunting trip a few weeks ago... it was cold. We rented these little A-Frame pop-up campers with propane heaters... not sure what went wrong, plenty of propane, plenty of battery, but no heat. Just lots of cold air blowing into an already freezing trailer. Jesse and Manda's worked... damned working heaters that were not in our trailer. Anyhow, we actually woke up (when we slept, which was very little) to ice growing on the inside of the trailer walls. That was awesome. And we had to pee outside. In the cold. That was traumatizing. Oh, and there were no deer.

And yeah, I would write more, but I got a crap-load of stuff to do and I'm at work...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh, the randomness...

So, crucify me now. I'm not registered to vote. And the deadline is 5 days away... There's a few reasons for this... all based solely upon my personal opinion, which I highly respect. These reasons include, but are not limited to:

1) I am not involved enough to commit fully to any one party or candidate with a clear conscience. I can not be bothered to do the research. Mostly because I don't think it matters what I think or how I vote, anyhow.
2) I don't think it matters what I think or how I vote, anyhow. Electoral College. Heard of it? Yeah, yeah... I know, I know. But still, only 24 states punish faithless electors. Thank you, Wikipedia.

All that said. I also believe that Barack is not the Anti-Christ. Seriously, don't you think that'd be a liiiiittle too easy? And I'll say it again, I'm seriously tired of every christian in America choosing our fearless leader based upon gun control and abortion laws. I bet Jesus cared about other things too. Like the poor, the sick, the orphans and widows. I'm just sayin'... I'm obviously not voting for Mr. Obama... I'm not voting for anyone. (DISCLAIMER: This does not negate my right to complain about George W. My vote doesn't matter in the first place! Remember? So vote or no, I'm still subject to Mr. Bush.)

And while we're on the subject, did you know that there was a Ford released in Europe (as a side-note, Ford is American made) that gets 65 miles to the gallon? Nope, you can't have one. They don't even build them in America. Because we won't buy them. Because they're run on diesel. We don't like diesel. We won't buy them. True story.

Why would we want to decrease our dependency on fossil fuels anyway, that's a stupid idea. Anyway, I like fossil fuel. No, really, I do. I like SUV's and fast cars... But come on. I'm sure there's enough tree huggers out there that we could at least put a small dent into the consumption. =)

Ok, I'm done ranting.

In other "destroy the earth" news, we're going hunting in just a few days. We managed to secure a camper for the pick up. It's decent. It has spiders. I discovered the spiders and wanted to burn it to the ground... Kelly wouldn't let me. Probably because it was attached to his pickup... But anyway, a good bug bombing, a little paint, some clean up and spider carcass removal... it'll be as good as new. Or at least good enough. Let's put it this way, I'll be willing to sleep in it at that point. Especially since I'm getting an awesome deal on some new carpet to put inside of it. Awesome deal = free. Construction has its' perks.

One of those perks, by the way, is not the current economy. Hard to sell homes without someone to buy them. Craziness. I am prophesying another depression. This prediction hails from my vast experience in the world of business and finance. But really... The writings kind of on the wall, isn't it. Sad. I don't think I know too many people who aren't facing some sort of major financial crisis. Except those that were fairly poor to begin with. All of us who have (had?) a lot are watching it be stripped away. Misery loves company, and boy are we having a party! It's strange... my life is so foreign compared to where I was a year ago... I guess this is the part of my blog where I stop touting my opinions on things I know nothing of, and can't control, and just get real... One year ago I owned three homes totalling nearly a million in real estate holdings. I had dreams of a new car, 20k in savings and plans to spend Christmas in Hawaii, accomidations already made... Those who know me know well enough how life has changed... Truly the most life-shattering and humbling year that I may ever see in my entire life. Item by item I watched the world I had created be stripped away. If I listed it all out you wouldn't even believe me... Truly, barring the death of my family, I can't imagine that life could ever be any worse. This is not an exaggeration. I will probably never see a more devastating year... And yet... it was the most beautiful year of my life. It was the hardest, don't get me wrong. I cried more tears, screamed, yelled, stressed, panicked, got so sick I was in the hospital twice... But I wouldn't trade it all for my old life. I feel that I truly had to come to this place in my life to be a worthwhile person. I've learned so much about humility, judgement, God's love, the love of others, the love FOR others, what's important, what's not important. I've learned grace, beauty, vulnerability and trust. I've learned to let go. I've learned to be grateful. I've learned that anyone who says "God will never give you more than you can handle" is full of crap. He never said that... He said "You can do all things in Christ." I've learned so much about Jesus. I've learned even more about God. I always talked to Jesus before... God seemed mean, and far away and aloof... now I realize that Jesus is His very heart revealed. God is beautiful, God is vulnerable. God waits around for me to love Him... And he gave me so much beauty in return for the ashes and dirt that I gave up. He gave me Kelly, who loves me so much, even when I forget that it's all ok, and freak out in some stressful situation. He gave me my time with Ava, who is my best little friend, whom I could spend every moment with and still never have enough time. I'm not gonna lie... sometimes it still sucks. Losing a life. Not death, but the loss of my "life". Sometimes I forget and get down. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I pass a home for sale and have an overwhelming compulsion to buy it. =) But it's ok. I am here. I'm all here. Bloom where you're planted. Dear God, teach me how.