Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh and...

The damn goat doesn't faint.

We even shot off a .38 right next to her... (Which is DAMN loud, to everyone except Graham, our token deaf friend.) And yeah... nothing. Not even a blackout, let alone a faint.

I want my money back.

Now I just a have regular goat.


And along the lines of deaf Grahams, he's also allergic. Ode to a 4-wheel ride through the hay fields, ala Hoff...

But we did get in our first goat sacrifice. Actually, I think the goat may be suicidal, she voluntarily walked into the firepit. I don't know why... it wasn't like we were taking turns trying to scare the bajesus out of the thing...

You can't make this stuff up... the pictures don't lie...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A quickie...

Blog you dirty, dirty people... a quickie blog!

Got a hot tub yesterday. It's awesome. I love Craigslist. Now we watch Kels electrocute himself as he wires it. Good times. I may be a housebuilding extrodinaire but I do NOT touch electrical rough-in. I prefer to get my highs in other ways. Like coffee... Yup, there's my little guy right there... best little sugar free fat free coffee in the whole world. I just love chemicals...

Yesterday just may have been one of the best days... we took our Hoff's and our Bice's to go get the hot tub, then went to the river and chilled for the day. We invited our token black friend, Daley, but he muttered something about how black kids can't swim or something... who knows...

We trekked down to our little corner of the water, trying to keep 14 month (give or take a few days) pregnant Sara from dying as we scaled the sandy edge of a cliff and got eaten alive by the biggest flies you've ever seen. At one point Manda and I decided to go check out the shallower waters close to "The Others". They proved friendly, as one young Other came over to say hello wearing nothing but his boxer briefs... that took some bal... umm... guts. Why is it not socially acceptable for women to walk around in public in their underwear? Men not need answer this question... Anyhow, scrawny guys in boxer briefs aside, it was a good day. Jesse tried to assasinate Kelly by ninja kicking him in the ribs as Kelly waded into the deeper waters. Jesse then having a bout of conscience showed his apologetic spirit and remorse by dropping a pile of sand on his stomach and saying "Here Korndog, this will make it feel better." Alas, the Korndog lives.

On that note, I have a ton of work to do.

This is The Rach, over and out.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I would write a book...

But who'd believe it?

We have a few new additions to the Smith/Warner home... The bestest little (huge) doggie in the whole world, Zeus, whom I love much more than Lily. I am not allowed to tell him this in front of Lily though, as Kelly is afraid she'll get a complex. Perhaps is she weren't a hyper, biting, jumpy, car scratching, child mauling pup of a dog I would love her. But alas... Oh, she ran away a few weeks ago... Kelly was so sad and I felt so guilty that I prayed to God to bring her home, that I'd be nice to her and love her. We got the phone call that she was found. I lived up to my end of said bargain with Jesus... for a day and a half. :D It's the thought that counts. I dont want her to die, of course, just calm down. Doggy zanax perhaps? Anyhow, back to the best dog EVER... The day Lily disappeared we figured we should get her a companion. He's half Rott, half German Shepherd. He's just a big 90 pound lap dog who would rather lay on the couch then run around outside. He's pretty awesome. He's also afraid of Fuzzy Rat Head the XVII... which brings me to...

I have secured a fainting goat for our little zoo at home. All we need now is a pony and perhaps a potbellied pig and we're a bona fide Puyallup Fair sideshow. She's a sweet little goat whom Kelly has named Tipper. I call her "Fuzzy Rat Head the XVII" for short. For those not familiar with the Myotonic(fainting) breed, they go catatonic when scared and their muscles freeze up and they fall over all stiff. This shall prove to provide hours of entertainment for both our family and our friends, I'm sure. Kelly wasn't so thrilled about the idea at first, but I found her on sale on Craigslist, the official shopping center of the Smith/Warner household lately, and he agreed. Then he took her for a walk. He loves her.

I realize that I am not a "2 dogs and a goat" kinda person... but you know... people change I guess. =) This is most amusing to my old "city" friends. But you know what, they're just jealous that they don't have fainting animals.

I'm still really happy out in Coupeville. Probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. It's so beautiful and peaceful. And you can go 4-wheeling whenever you want, which is another awesome bonus. Since moving there we have also secured a large trampoline and a hot tub, to arrive on Sunday. We are officially the party place. Even Gwen loved 4-wheeling... she also learned how to ride! There is the picture to prove it!

Ava's officially 2 years old as of Tuesday. I can't believe my little baby has been here for two years. I can't even fathom how much I love her. I also can't fathom how much Kelly loves her. He is so good with her and to her, I'm so grateful for him in so many ways. Ah, she's also learned her first swear word. Whenever she drops stuff she says "Oh Sit"... I'll let you figure it out. We're working on saying "aw nuts" instead...

Other than that, not much going on... just the same old stress and drama at every turn. What would I do without it now? Probably be terribly bored. At least I'm a few hours removed from it now. =)

Ah, funny quote last night after Gwen sprained her ankle she felt led to talk about how Kari offered to carry her out of the gym... coversation went just like this:
"Yeah, Kari bent over and assumed the position and for a second I was just going to hop on..."
Thank God everyone who heard her thought she was drunk because she was limping and stumbling.

All right, stuff to do... It's date night. Must head home. This is Rachel, over and out.

Oh, and Vanessa? Since you're the only one reading this we're having a bbq on the fourth and you guys are totally invited. So is anyone else who reads this just out of gratefulness for wasting a valuable 3 minutes of your day.

And I'm still the luckiest girl in the world.