Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Your Lover Will Never Wish to Leave You...

So says Kelly's fortune cookie after lunch yesterday. It's true... I love him so much. After he leaves he sends me a text saying how much he loves his little family. How did I get so lucky?

It's been quite the while since I've written... As I'm reminded frequently by Vanessa... Soooo much has happened, good, bad, happy, sad...

My mom is moving to North Carolina. We found out like a week ago, and she leaves in a week. I just try to not think about it. I'm almost 30, I should be able to do just fine on my own, but it's still so sad, especially for little Ava. Mom is the one person she's always genuinely excited to see and stay with, it's going to be very sad to grow up without seeing her on a regular basis. But, what do you do? Nothing you can. Sucky.

Lucky for me, it's almost Christmas time, which means a happy distraction... Our family is a bit notorious in our crazy love for all things Christmas. I decorate the day after Halloween. :D Kelly is not necessarily thrilled about this... but I think it's because he's never been introduced to (perhaps subjected to?) a Warner Christmas. He huffily stated that I only get 10 hours of decorating help out him... Wow, that's like 5 times more than I've ever asked anyone for! Sweet! He backpedalled heavily upon finding this out...

We took Ava on her first hunting trip a few weeks ago... it was cold. We rented these little A-Frame pop-up campers with propane heaters... not sure what went wrong, plenty of propane, plenty of battery, but no heat. Just lots of cold air blowing into an already freezing trailer. Jesse and Manda's worked... damned working heaters that were not in our trailer. Anyhow, we actually woke up (when we slept, which was very little) to ice growing on the inside of the trailer walls. That was awesome. And we had to pee outside. In the cold. That was traumatizing. Oh, and there were no deer.

And yeah, I would write more, but I got a crap-load of stuff to do and I'm at work...

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