Thursday, November 6, 2008

You can never go down the drain...

It's supposed to flood here in Kitsap County today and tomorrow... I believe it, it's been raining non-stop and it's dark and gloomy and pretty much some of my favorite weather, except snow. And hot. And thunderstorms. I like anything extreme I suppose... But anyhow, we have another week of rain in the forecast, so we'll see how many of us wash away I guess. Good thing I have on my trusty necklace that says "You can never go down the drain. -Mr. Rogers". Isn't it the truth, Rog. No matter what goes wrong in life, you've always got that going for you. I seriously saw a parking lot today so full of water that it was swirling, like a flushed toilet, down into a tiny little storm drain hole in the middle.

Work has been going AWESOME. For those who know, it was not quite so awesome a month or so ago, then came redemption. Everyone else has pretty much gone their own way and I've been left to my own devices, which is really my best case work scenario... I thrive under pressure, and when I know I'm wholly responsible for something I do my best work... who doesn't? Don't answer that, actually... Or maybe I'm just really bossy and love being in control. That's a possibility. ;)

My mom leaves tomorrow... surreal, really. Not much else to say... we weren't really given any say in it, anyhow. I feel the worst for my littlest sister who literally cried inconsolably on my shoulder, telling me she'd never be able to run to her mom for anything again... And my brother who in the same state of emotion told her she was the best thing in his life... Or my little one, who cried and screamed like I was kidnapping her when we drove past "meema's" house yesterday and I wouldn't stop, because "meema's bye-bye". She cried until she made me cry... I don't think mom knows how much she really was still needed and wanted, and that just because times change, it doesn't mean that there's a position lost. I hope she's happy though in NC, I really, really do. It's time. And Gene, too. Gene, you'll probably never read this, but you're a good man. Thank you.

I did start decorating a little for Christmas... just a wee bit, as to not overwhelm the guy in the house... Plus he totally scored me a carpet cleaner this weekend, and my Martha Stewart side needs to clean them before I can put up a tree... I've also been baking like a madman... I don't know why, I hardly eat it and it all ends up being sent to work with Kelly. =) I've told him I'm trying to up his popularity factor. ;) I think he does ok on his own though... I would bring it to my guys here on-site, but I can't be "that" Rachel here at work. It's a sign of weakness. Funny, huh? It's like Marcie said in a round about way, you have to maintain the facade that you're not really a woman, no cooking, no kids, nothing "quintessential", while totally using the fact that you are a woman to your advantage because you're a minority in a male-driven field... It's a little dance we do...

Speaking of Marcie, real-estate agent extraordinaire, we are off to pick surfaces from the comfort of Tully's, with coffee and fireplaces and overstuffed chairs... how very quintessential of us. ;)

1 comment:

Kate Nelsen said...

My daughter Rachel asked me yesterday: "So, how long do you think it's going to rain?"

I said: "Hmm,probably until April."

Her eyes got as wide as saucers and she said, rather incredulously, "Until APRIL? How much was it raining last year?"

I said, "Probably this much."

"But, Mom, do you think it's going to flood?!"

Ah, yes. My propensity for hyperbole is a winning combination with take-everything-literally children. I had forgotten about the flooding last year, and sincerely hope that Mr. Rogers is right. Because...they haven't fixed the damage from last year. Until then, I should probably not tell my daughter that it's going to rain for six months straight. Even if that's how it feels. ;)

So, the old saying goes..."never let 'em see you sweat...or cook."